Veganuary Series: How Did The Modern Meat Team Do?

Throughout the month of Veganuary, we have had so much fun in the kitchen, getting creative and learning! As Veganuary comes to a close, we get to check in with our Modern Meat team members to see how they fared during their plant-based month. We followed up with our team to find out whether they were challenged, how they felt, and what they learned along their journey.


Cassidy Mccord

A quick recap on Cassidy

Before Veganuary, Cassidy consumed around 3 animal products per week. Knowing that there is an abundance of great products, she didn’t feel too intimated. She was excited to learn how her body felt after a month of strictly vegan food. Let’s see how she’s doing!

What was the most challenging part about going vegan?
Opting out from some of the delicious menu items at restaurants – I’m a sucker for seafood.

What was your favourite part about going vegan?
Grocery shopping is like a scavenger hunt. Reading all the labels and getting creative with substitutes and recipes.

What is your go-to vegan dish?
Vegan tacos are so easy. I pan fry up some ground crumble with chipotle peppers, onion, and red peppers. Then add fresh avocado, chopped lettuce, and cilantro! A fresh squeeze of lime is a must as well.

Be honest! Did you ‘cheat’ or consider cheating at all during the month? If so, how long did you last without cheating? Did you try to continue omitting meat?
I accidentally cheated… I had a muffin that contained butter and realized after the fact. That was about two weeks in.

Did you experience any physical or mental changes during or after?
I do feel a bit lighter. I think the process over a longer period of time would make a huge difference, even just reducing the amount of meat consumption and dairy.

How will veganuary affect your lifestyle/diet moving forward?
I think Veganuary definitely made me more conscious of my food choices as I have been primarily plant-based but have not dedicated the time to go fully vegan for a month.

Cassidy’s Vegan Pizza



A quick recap on Chris

Since Chris followed a diet that consisted of consuming animal products daily, he was pretty intimidated entering Veganuary. However, he was curious and looking forward to potentially validating the popular documentary, “The Game Changers.” Keep reading to see if he was able to do it!

What was the most challenging part about going vegan?
Breaking the comfort cycle in the diet.

What was your favourite part about going vegan?
Exploring new recipe ideas

What is your go-to vegan dish?
Vegetarian Pasta

Did you ‘cheat’ or considered cheating at all during the month? 
CHEAT 100%

Did you experience any physical or mental changes during or after?
Did not feel as sluggish – but that could be relative to the lower carb intake

How will veganuary affect your lifestyle/diet moving forward?
Will definitely consider ordering plant-based options when dining out now!


A quick recap on Rachel

Entering Veganuary, Rachel didn’t feel intimidated at all as she only consumed dairy products a couple of times a week and rarely consumed meat products. As someone who has suffered from IBS for 20 years, she was excited to embrace Veganuary for her overall health.

What was the most challenging part about going vegan?
There were no vegan options available when I tried to get lunch at a particular location.

What was your favourite part about going vegan?
Eating more whole foods. It forces you to be creative and as a result, I’ve found a delicious recipe for a vegan Banh Mi!

What is your go-to vegan dish?
It varies from a curry with chickpeas and veggies to rice paper rolls to yam and quinoa salad.

Be honest! Did you ‘cheat’ or consider cheating at all during the month? If so, how long did you last without cheating? Did you try to continue omitting meat?
I did not cheat and have stuck with it! I did give myself the additional challenge of going sugar-free but I wasn’t able to stick with it. Vegan chocolate was just too tempting. Overall I have significantly reduced my sugar intake.

Did you experience any physical or mental changes during or after?
In combination with reduced sugar intake, I found I had fewer symptoms to do with my gut health. When I did have issues, it was the result of eating processed foods or eating out where I don’t have full control over the ingredients used.

How will veganuary affect your lifestyle/diet moving forward?
I will continue to eat primarily plant-based in the hope of feeling better. Not only do I feel better physically, but knowing I’m doing my part to reduce my impact on the environment.

Rachel’s Vegan Pho Dish



A quick recap on Kevin

As a certified chef, Kevin was looking forward to the challenge of creating new vegan dishes, using products he had never used before. Over the course of the month, he’s shared his delicious creations like the Vegan Cashew Hoisin Stir-Fry and Meditteranean Stuffed Peppers. Let’s check-in to see how his month went.

What was the most challenging part about going vegan?
Can’t eat on the fly, have to plan my meals ahead of time. And the expense of buying meat substitutes.

What was your favourite part about going vegan?
Getting creative with food again and feeling a little lighter on my feet.

What is your go-to vegan dish?
The Modern Crumble in a bolognese sauce with pasta. The leftovers can be eaten like chili with a bun the next day.

Be honest! Did you ‘cheat’ or consider cheating at all during the month? If so, how long did you last without cheating? Did you try to continue omitting meat?
I thought about cheating every single day. I want milk chocolate and cheese so bad!!! However, I stayed vigilant and have not broken my commitment to Veganuary.

Did you experience any physical or mental changes during or after?
Even though I stuffed myself a few times, I never had a food coma. There wasn’t the same lethargy after a large meal.

How will veganuary affect your lifestyle/diet moving forward?
Honestly, it won’t. I might be eating more meat substitutes, but I would do that anyway as I want to use our products.

Coconut Curry with Jackfruit

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